Stateful Goroutines

In the previous example we used explicit locking with mutexes to synchronize access to shared state across multiple goroutines. Another option is to use the built-in synchronization features of goroutines and channels to achieve the same result. This channel-based approach aligns with Go’s ideas of sharing memory by communicating and having each piece of data owned by exactly 1 goroutine.

package main

import (

// In this example our state will be owned by a single goroutine.
// This will guarantee that the data is never corrupted with concurrent access. 
// In order to read or write that state
// other goroutines will send messages to the owning goroutine
// and receive corresponding replies.
// These readOp and writeOp structs encapsulate 
// those requests and a way for the owning goroutine to respond.
type readOp struct {
    key  int
    resp chan int
type writeOp struct {
    key  int
    val  int
    resp chan bool

func main() {

    // As before we’ll count how many operations we perform.
    var readOps uint64
    var writeOps uint64

    // The reads and writes channels will be used by 
    // other goroutines to issue read and write requests, respectively.
    reads := make(chan readOp)
    writes := make(chan writeOp)

    // Here is the goroutine that owns the state
    // which is a map as in the previous example but now private 
    // to the stateful goroutine. 
    // This goroutine repeatedly selects on the reads and writes channels
    // responding to requests as they arrive.
    // A response is executed by first performing the requested operation 
    // and then sending a value on the response channel resp 
    // to indicate success (and the desired value in the case of reads).
    go func() {
        var state = make(map[int]int)
        for {
            select {
            case read := <-reads:
                read.resp <- state[read.key]
            case write := <-writes:
                state[write.key] = write.val
                write.resp <- true

    // This starts 100 goroutines to issue reads to the 
    // state-owning goroutine via the reads channel. 
    // Each read requires constructing a readOp
    // sending it over the reads channel
    // and then receiving the result over the provided resp channel.
    for r := 0; r < 100; r++ {
        go func() {
            for {
                read := readOp{
                    key:  rand.Intn(5),
                    resp: make(chan int)}
                reads <- read
                atomic.AddUint64(&readOps, 1)

    // We start 10 writes as well, using a similar approach.
    for w := 0; w < 10; w++ {
        go func() {
            for {
                write := writeOp{
                    key:  rand.Intn(5),
                    val:  rand.Intn(100),
                    resp: make(chan bool)}
                writes <- write
                atomic.AddUint64(&writeOps, 1)

    // Let the goroutines work for a second.

    // Finally, capture and report the op counts.
    readOpsFinal := atomic.LoadUint64(&readOps)
    fmt.Println("readOps:", readOpsFinal)
    writeOpsFinal := atomic.LoadUint64(&writeOps)
    fmt.Println("writeOps:", writeOpsFinal)

Running our program shows that the goroutine-based state management example completes about 80,000 total operations.

$ go run stateful-goroutines.go
readOps: 71708
writeOps: 7177

For this particular case the goroutine-based approach was a bit more involved than the mutex-based one. It might be useful in certain cases though, for example where you have other channels involved or when managing multiple such mutexes would be error-prone. You should use whichever approach feels most natural, especially with respect to understanding the correctness of your program.

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